Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Idle Hands and Active Stomachs

So I've just gotten over the stomach flu. Five or so days of complaining, sickly, petulant stomach. Nothing better.

Usually, I try to schedule my day as far away from the house as I can; I don't get anything done when I just laze about the house, so I try to get out and about. Since yesterday it's been snowing, so I haven't even showered today, let alone left the house. As I sit here, eating a really delectable combination of foods which have actually taken my stomach back several days to my delightful mid-flu state of airline-inspired quease, I've been trying to think of the best way of proceeding. I've been looking for an internship in Utah, but that's coming up somewhat short. I'll apply for the couple of ideas I've found, but I don't think I'll get them, and I think the Lord is telling me to abandon this internship quest. I need to just find a job or something, and get out there ASAP, because this is getting old.

In the meantime, I'm spending time at the library, knitting (I really do need to order more wool) and growing progressively more lustful over any and all fabric I find online, as I cruise craft sites. I'm like a sexual predator or something, only instead of children, I sit around in my hovel drooling over printed cotton.

Sloth, lust, gluttony all in the one post! What is a girl to do?

Tomorrow, I think I'll play my violin and work out rather more than I normally do. That'll be nice.


ps-I totally OWN for using the word "Petulant." I OWN.

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