Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Drowning Myself in Hobbies

So I've started sewing again. I mean, technically I haven't actually started sewing, because sewing is a process that takes forever. I'm worried I can't produce a decent dress, because I'm not a very talented sewer. Whatever. It makes me feel productive, when in fact my life is utterly unproductive.

We planted some dill in the back yard today, which is wonderful. I love dill. The smell of it makes me happy, it really does. I find it uplifting.

I think I'm done for the day. It's a little pathetic. I'm just..... not particularly interested in writing just now. I miss Andy.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

My New Goals

So I'm still not in Utah. I'm beginning to fear this project will be an enormous bust. Rather than worry about it constantly, I'm trying to develop new hobbies, which will (hopefully) give me a sense of accomplishment and purpose, rather than dwelling on the fairly dismal state of my life as it is right now. And it is dismal, let me assure you.

I want to be a truly accomplished knitter, I want to be a badass rock climber, I want to lean to play-boat and become fearless when in a kayak on a river, and I want to join a roller derby team. Incidentally I also want to practice writing and actually produce some halfway decent fiction and get back on task with my violin.

Right off the bat, the biggest problem I have is that I have no money. At all, whatsoever. What I really need is to get out to Utah, so I can get a job, because if I get one here, I'll never leave and then I'll really hate myself and no amount of hauling myself up a rock wall or knitting adorable stuffed octopi will be able to help. Although the sea creatures will help a little.

Maybe what I really need is a sugar daddy....

Any takers?
