Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Apiarist

I think I'm going to begin this blog with an explanation of the title and the web address.

I'll start with the web address: This blog is designed to detail any and all (mis)adventures I encounter over the course of producing my Division III project for Hampshire College. For those of you lacking in intimate knowledge of Hampshire's structure, (the better part of the world, I'm sure) a Division III is a year-long project designed to wrap up a student's college career. It's sort of like a senior thesis.

My self-designed major deals with the intersection between politics and religion. Most of my work has been dealing with extremist religious groups, particularly from a Western or American perspective. I really enjoy studying political Christianity and cults, so for my Division III I thought I would study the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and a spinoff group, the Fundamentalist Church of blah blah blah.

I'm headed to Utah at some point for a sociological portion of the project. I'm not there yet, but I figured now is as good a time as any to start this blog, which I hope will not suck.

The name of the blog means "beekeeper." The reason I've picked it is that it is the primary symbol of the Mormon Church. The word in the "language" the Book of Mormon is "written in," called "Reformed Egyptian" (so many modifying quotes) for honeybee. The Mormons initially wanted to name the Utah Territory, an area significantly larger than modern day Utah, Deseret, but the United States were having none of it.

The reason I'm calling myself "the beekeper" is intended to be somewhat critical of Mormon theology. One of the primary precepts of Mormonsim is patriarchy. The Mormon church believes in an all-male priesthood who controls access to God. The church is heavly male dominated, a fact which is blown rather out of proportion in FLDS communities. I find Mormon theology troubling for many reasons, but this one is the easiest to pinpoint.

I've been considering getting myself a tattoo of a sexy beekeeper on my shoulder, to remind me that sexuality and femininity are important, if not divine, and that dogmatism and patriarchy can never overcome them. Hence "The Apiarist."

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is about as serious as I ever hope to be on the internet.

Wish me luck,


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